Produced & Directed by Laura Snyder

Scenes & Musical Numbers


Scene 1

Not for the Life of Me- Millie

Thoroughly Modern Millie- Ensemble, Millie

Not for the Life of Me Tag part 1- Millie

Scene 2

Not for the Life of Me Tag part 1- Priscilla Girls

How the Other Half Lives- Dorothy & Millie

How the Other Half Lives- Dorothy & Millie

Scene 3

Not for the Life of Me Reprise 1- Ching Ho & Bun Foo

Scene 4

The Speed Test- Trevor Graydon, Millie, Ensemble

Scene 5

They Don’t Know- Mrs. Meers

Scene 6

The Nutty Cracker Suite- Ensemble

Scene 7

Scene 8

What Do I Need with Love- Jimmy

Scene 9

Scene 10

Only in New York- Muzzy

Muzzy’s Party- Ensemble

Scene 11

Jimmy- Millie

Scene 12



Scene 1

Forget About the Boy- Millie, Ensemble

Ah! Sweet Mystery of Love/I’m Falling in Love with Someone- Trevor & Dorothy

Scene 2

I Turned the Corner- Jimmy & Millie

Falling in Love Reprise- Jimmy, Millie, Dorothy, Trevor, Ching Ho

Scene 3

Muqin- Mrs. Meers, Bun Foo, Ching Ho

Muqin Tag- Mrs. Meers, Bun Foo, Ching Ho

Scene 4

Long as I’m Here With You- Muzzy, Muzzy’s Boys

Scene 5

Gimme, Gimme- Millie

Scene 6

Scene 7

Scene 8

The Speed Test Reprise- Millie, Trevor, Jimmy, Muzzy

Ah! Sweet Mystery of Love Reprise- Dorothy, Ching Ho

Finale- Jimmy, Dorothy, Ensemble


                      Pearl  Cast                            Emerald Cast

Millie                        Sammy Osmond                       Haven Tanner

Jimmy                       Lukas Smith                              Danny Kenny

Trevor                       Isaac Widdison                         Daniel Bearss

Dorothy                    Elli Ashton                                 Danielle Court

Mrs. Meers              Megan Jennings                       Mirabella Archibald

Ching Ho                   Hyrum Little                             Lawson Archibald

Muzzy                       Leah Little                                 Bella Thomas

Alice                           Mary Kate Little                        Kamille Odom

Ruth                           Chloe Cahoon                           McKenna Loosle

Gloria                         Eliza Johnson                            Antoinette Glenn

BOTH Casts

Bun Foo- Spencer Fife

Rita- Revekhalei Gray

Cora- Adelaide Olson

Lucille- Rachel Lange

Ethel Peas- Olivia Lane

Mrs Flannery- Sarah Baird

Pearl Lady- Lyvie Flynn

Dorothy Parker- Georgia Gottfredson

Mathilde- Madalyn Millward

New Modern- Madeline Miller

Mama- Cozette Daines

The Letch- Sawyer Daniel

George Gershwin- Charlie Hudson

Ira Gershwin- Oliver Hudson

Rodney- Scott Gottfredson

Kenneth- Rhees Tanner

Daphne- Emilia Hatch

Dexter/Policeman- Elijah Newall

Mail Clerk- Taylor Bearss

Mugger/Dishwasher- Dayton Kennedy

Muzzy Boys

Sawyer Daniel, Daniel Bearss,Taylor Bearss, Scott Gottfredson, Hyrum Little, Isaac Rhees Tanner, Widdison

Office Girls

Marie Ahlander, Chloe Cahoon, Arianna Fitzgerald, Antionette Glenn, Brielle Grange, Revekahlei Gray, Eliza Johnson, Olivia Lane, Rachel Lange, Mary Kate Little, McKenna Loosle, Grace Miller, Kiera Miller, Madeline Miller, Madalyn Millward, Kamille Odom, Adelaide Olson 


Lilly Archiblad, Elisabeth Ashton, Maegan Badger, Sarah Baird, Danielle Court, Cozette Daines, Lyvie Flynn, Whitney Gaskill, Jane Goebel, Ella Goeckeritz, Georgia Gottfredson, Khalilia Gray, Emelia Hatch, Anika Hord, Ella King, Bailey Lopez, Abby Montgomery, Mindee Miner, Emma Morrey, Nicole Patterson, Emma Pratt, Tess Thomas, Brooklyn Ward

Office Boys

Sawyer Daniel, Scott Gottfredson, Charlie Hudson, Oliver Hudson, Dayton Kennedy, Hyrum Little, Elijah Newall, Rhees Tanner, Isaac Widdison

Production Team/Instructors

Producer, Director, Choreography, Acting Coach- Laura Snyder

Music Director/Instructor- Avery Dall-Hilton

Choreography/Dance Instructor- Nicole Miller

Tech Instructor- Lindsey Snyder

Tech Crew

Technical Director- Lukas Orton

Stage Manager- Nikki Merrell

Lighting/Music Cues- Isabeau Lisonbee

Sound- Lindsey Snyder

Subtitles- Jenn Mathis, Mariah Plitt

Deck Lead- Daxon McBeth

Tech Crew- Brooklyn Cook, Cozette Daines, Suzette Daines, Quinn Osmond, Kaya Pierre, Camryn Whitby


Set Construction Manager- Aaron Arnesen

Set Artists- Isabeau Lisonbee, Nikki Merrell, Haven Tanner


Tawnya Bearss


Costume Director- Anne Jennings

Costume Committee- Melinda Ashton, Christian Ayer, Corinne Baird, Tawnya Bearss, Angela Court, Karen Glenn, Janan Grange, Rachel Gray, Stephanie Halliday, Leslie Hord, Megan Jennings, Jaime Kennedy, Erin Smith, Haven Tanner, Emily Ward


Karen Glenn- Concessions

Tawnya Bearss- Sign-ups

Audrey Snyder- Administrative Asst

Kye Tanner- Trailer

All YOU Wonderful parent volunteers who help and support us in so many ways!!!  We couldn’t do it all without you!  Thanks so much!!!

SHOW DATES: July 15-22

The Reality of Human Trafficking:

Thoroughly Modern Millie is a story driven by female ambition and romance amidst the roaring 1920s. While romance and ambition take the spotlight, there is an undercurrent theme revolving around human trafficking.  While this is done in a lighthearted and humorous way, in reality, trafficking looks very different from how it is portrayed in the show. It’s not limited to any race, gender, or class and is a bigger issue now in the 2020s.  Human trafficking is soon to be the largest illegal business in the world. In just this last year, human trafficking rates rose 40% and Utah is not immune from this.  There have been 90 reported cases in Utah from just this year alone. 

If you are interested in helping fight against this terrible crime, do your research on the following list of organizations that work against human trafficking.  They can give you more information on what it actually looks like in our time. Please donate generously to any of these organizations and educate yourself about this very important issue. Thank you! 

Organizations specific to Utah: 

Refugee and Immigrant Center 

National Organizations: 

Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women 

Stop The Traffik

The Urban Center’s Sex Workers Project 

FAIR Workers


Freedom Network USA


The Polaris Project

Operation Underground Railroad