1. Sign in at table #1 and receive your audition number.
  2. Please fill out the registration form HERE and mandatory volunteer form HERE.
  3. Have your picture taken.
  4. Wait for an escort to take you to a designated area to wait your turn to audition.
  5. Please be quiet, courteous, and attentive.
  6. Groups of 10-12 will be called upon to dance, sing and act.
  7. After your audition, each participant will be free to leave. Although parents will not be able to watch the auditions, we ask that you remain here in the sitting area to be available to take your child home after their audition is completed.
  8. PLEASE BE PATIENT – everyone is unique and important to us. Casting is a tedious and difficult process. We will do our best to keep things moving along to stay on schedule. However, if we have an enormous turnout, we ask for your patience and understanding if we get behind. Our goal is to see that everyone gets an equal opportunity, and we will take the time needed to ensure that this happens. If you are on a tight schedule, please let the Registrar know when you arrive so we can try to accommodate you. Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding!
  9. Unfortunately, not everyone will be cast in this production, since every musical is unique and different, and requires “certain types.” Just as important as talent is the look of a character and one person may fit that “look” in one show but not another. That is not a reflection on their talent or ability. Everyone’s a winner just by trying and making an effort. We appreciate you and encourage you to try-out again and again. Thanks for auditioning!

Dates to Remember

  • CALLBACK LIST: Posted MONDAY, MAY 9th by 7:00PM on our WEBSITE: alpinecommunitytheater.org If you are not on the callback list, this does not necessarily mean you do not have a part! Some casting decisions may be made after auditions with no need for a callback. Also, there are some non-speaking parts (particularly for children) that will not require a callback.
  • Please check the FINAL CAST LIST posted on SATURDAY, MAY 28th no matter what!!
  • CALLBACKS: MAY 19th & 20th from 5:00-10:00PM at ACT Studios (1349 S 500 E, AF).
  • No preparation needed for callbacks. (1-minute monologue is optional.)
  • FINAL CAST LIST: Posted SATURDAY, MAY 28 th by 7:00PM on our WEBSITE: alpinecommunitytheater.org
  • MANDATORY PARENT/CAST/STAFF MEETING: TUESDAY, May 31st, at ACT Studios. ***PARENTS must attend! ***


6:00-7:00PM FULL CAST and PARENTS- General information meeting.

You will receive rehearsal schedules, costume information, scripts, and volunteer committee
assignments. Participation fees of $50 per participant will be required at this time.
(Financial hardship discounts can be requested.)

7:00-8:00PM FULL CAST and PARENTS – Choral rehearsal/Parent meeting
8:00-10:00PM LEADS ONLY – Read through (Come prepared for headshots to be taken.)

Leads should be prepared for a head shot photo and will be required to pay a script deposit of
$40 to check out scripts.